The Circle of Life/Enabling Is Complete- OPI Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ

Hey There Polished People!

I know my posts have enabled at least a couple of you to buy certain nail polishes, and you should know that it works both ways. When someone tells me about a certain polish sometimes I just get it in my head that I NEED to have it. FP Circus Peanuts and ChG Flip Flop Fantasy were a few of my enabled buys among many. Today I have a polish to share that Lesley told me about when I said I didn’t like red nail polish and guess what? She made a liar out of me, cuz as it turns out- I DO like reds! This one in particular and Essence Fame Fatal are two of my favorites. Ready to see the one I have today? It is…

OPI Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ

OPI Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ w Essie Good As Gold and BM 215

OPI Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ w Essie Good As Gold and BM 215

For once, the stamping on my right hand was actually better than that on my left! Go figure.

Aghhh the nub! ;p


Love this color!!! Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ is a super dark red/burgundy creme. It has a brownish tinge to it too, which sounds kind of disgusting but is beautiful. The color is that of dried blood, which is also gross sounding but pretty on your nails. Man, I’m really selling you all on this one, huh? :p


Non-problematic. I used three coats which is my norm. You could definitely get away with two though.

Yes, Please! or No, Thank You:

Yes, Please! And thank you Lesley for turning me on to Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ! I loved it so much, I can hardly wait to wear it again. I did add the little half-moon stamp just because I felt like it but this color is so clean and pretty I definitely didn’t want to cover it up with much. If you like dark, vampy reds or if you are like me and maybe wanna get into them- try this. You’ll love it.

If I Named This Polish, I’d Call It: Mrs. O’Leary’s Scab. That’s what it looks like! Sorry!!

20 thoughts on “The Circle of Life/Enabling Is Complete- OPI Mrs. O’Leary’s BBQ

  1. well.. i must confess I bought ChG flip flop fantasy because of you! it was my first polish ever on my wishlist and I’m wearing it right now (the advantages of living in a country of eternal summer)..!!

  2. AWW, YEAH, WHAT UP! I love our circle of life/enabling/polish so very, very much…
    You already know that I like this color, so all I can really say is that it looks AH-MAZE-ZING! How sexy is that color? The correct answer is: very, very, very sexy.

  3. Ok, before I get into my actual comments about the polish, your comment about it looking like dried blood made me kind of gag because that and the bbq reference gave my flashbacks of my disgusting bbq pigfest that made me sick last week. This seriously looks like the bbq ribs I had! 😦

    Anyway, on to the polish. I don’t have this one and I kind of want it. I kind of need it. Is it a full on creme? It kind of has that jelly look to it. Maybe a crelly? Thanks a lot, Lesley, for starting the enabling circle again. My favorite thing about this mani, is the stamp. It looks so freaking cute. Is it a crown? And whadup with the nub? I am getting flashbacks of different size/shape nails–you know which ones I’m talking about. lol

    • Since we already addressed the meat sweats on twitter-
      I think it’s mostly just a creme but I’ll pay more attention next time I wear it. It’s just so pretty!!! It does dry crelly-ish tho, huh? And the stamp is I guess some sort of crown. I just liked it as a half moon although it was a PAIN to get centered correctly. I had to redo some, hence the tiny gold smudging on some fingers and the showing of the one short nub (SORRY! I know you hate it!!) on my right hand. Surprisingly enough the right hand was perfect, only the left gave me fits!

  4. Oh Nicole! Why must all your nail art be so damn awesome and cool! This is just gorgeous and I love the half moon stamp/look! Very funky!!!!
    And does kind of look like a scab colour BUT also looks like BBQ sauce :-/ but it’s a very cool colour anyway!!!

    • I love this color! 🙂 Thanks for the compliment on the stamping! I just wanted something a little different and wanted to add something to this pretty color. 😉

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