The Mysterious Circus Peanuts…

Good Morning Polished People,

Does it ever seem like there’s a crew of us nail bloggers and we all just look at eachother’s swatches and nail art? I wonder how many people visiting my site do not have a nail blog and are just readers. In the comments below make sure to let me know. šŸ™‚ I think it’s awesome that we all are so into nail polish and the community aspect of blogging that we all visit eachother’s and leave comments and have conversations via the comments and Twitter, etc, I just think it’s funny. Believe me I’m not saying this in a negative way at all- that’s the whole reason I have a blog! It’s the best thing about it!! My husband is always like “Who’s Cynthia?” when he reads over my shoulder as I’m checking comments, etc (PS does anyone in the history of the universe like people reading over their shoulder? I don’t care if it’s a recipe, it annoys the heck outta me!) and I say, “She’s another nail blog lady…” and he’ll say, “So you’re telling me that you read her blog, she reads yours, you both comment.. sometimes on the same nail polishes on each of your blogs..?” Yep, pretty much!! Haha. I probably have about 10-15 people/blogs I communicate with pretty regularly and then of course all the sporadic comments/etc but for the most part they’re all other nail bloggers or soon-t0-be nail bloggers (you know who you are ;)). It’s very cyclical and interesting to me. And I LOVE it!! I don’t even know if I’m making sense. Let’s just look at today’s polish!

Finger Paints Circus Peanuts

3 coats of Circus Peanuts with Seche Vite on top


Circus Peanuts is, from what I hear, exactly the same color as circus peanuts which I guess are candy…? They’re those weird foam-y looking, soft, oversized peanut candies. I have never tried them but Lesley (you can follow her on Twitter here) was telling me about them a while back. I still need to try them just to say I have. Anyway- the color is a super light peach/orange sherbet color that’s just a tad pinker, and a bit lighter in real life than they showed up in these photos. It’s very light and almost a nude-ish color. I LOVE IT! As soon as I put this on I was tweeting pics like crazy cuz I was in love.


Non-problematic. Opaque in 2 coats or 1 super-careful one. I like 3 coats. Dries quick and shiny. I have been nothing but impressed with Finger Paints. They’re sold at Sally Beauty Supple for around 4-5 bucks and don’t forget- you get a discount with your Sally Beauty Supply card. šŸ™‚

Yes, Please! or No, Thank You:

YES, PLEASE!! I love this color, I’m so glad Lesley told me about it and when it runs out, I’m getting another. I thought this was another super-flattering color in real life and I was just so surprisingly impressed with it. It looked kinda weird in the bottle so I wasn’t sure at first. It reminded me of orange sherbet-flavored Pepto Bismol. Do they even make that? I don’t know. But if they did- it would be this color for sure. It’s so much better looking on the nail than in the bottle so if you see it and are put off by it, still give it a try. You’re gonna love it! Unless you’re super super pale.. then it might not be so great… you’ll have to use your judgement. šŸ˜‰

Have you tried the real circus peanuts? What do they even taste like?? And do you have this polish? It’s a nice color for summertime. Tan skin loves a color like this. What do you all have planned for this summer? I’d love to hear! Till next time, thanks for reading and- Happy Polishing!! šŸ˜€

PS: Don’t forget to tell me if you have a blog of your own or if you just like to read others’ nail blogs. We all know it’s rude to leave links to your blog in comments, but for today- go ahead and do it. Let’s see how many of us blog readers are bloggers ourselves! šŸ˜€

30 thoughts on “The Mysterious Circus Peanuts…

  1. I like all the communicating that goes on with all us bloggers too! haha.
    I am really liking this color! It definitely looks great with your tan šŸ˜€
    Hmm I’ve never tried circus peanuts lol! They sound interesting…

  2. I got this color as soon as I saw a swatch. What’s not to love? However, since I am not a circus fan (inhumane) I have never tried the food(?) itself. I am not a blogger, have no desire to be a blogger. My hobbies include gardening and painting my nails. I also love to paint my house. I’ve done faux finishing in every room, simple sponging, ragging,etc. Next up is a rubbed finish on my kitchen cabinets. I first got into nails because my nails went through “the change” and started peeling and splitting big time and keeping them polished is a way to protect them. Then I saw No More War by RBL and was hooked! Also, I just love to read so here I am.

    • Awesome, I’m glad you’re here. šŸ™‚ I like to garden too. I even have a bunch of house plants… I guess a few too many but I just can’t help myself. Yknow… I don’t even know if they sell circus peanuts at the circus. I mean, that’d make sense of course but I didn’t really think about it. I thought they were just called that. Hmmmm…

  3. Ah, Circus Peanuts! The color that brought us together, haha!
    Wow, I am getting post love! Thank you so much! I feel like my Twitter needs to be more interesting now, haha! I am planning to try your jelly sandwich tonight, so I should have some pics up on there tomorrow night.
    I won’t be too redundant, but yes, I have tried circus peanuts. They taste like…sugar, but there’s kind of a weird tang to them, and they’re kind of stale-marshamallowy in texture. Most people hate them.
    And I do have this polish. It was a surprise hit for me, too, although I have had good experience with Finger Paints. And I’m pretty pale!
    Summer plans: my friend in L.A. will be up over July 4 and we are also going to Vegas for a belated birthday trip in late Sept.
    I am considering starting a blog, but right now is not really the time. I am having all of those issues with my job and literally just found out that my car needs a new transmission!

    • That SUCKS about your car. My truck is just about on its last leg (wheel?) and I need to get a new car but can’t afford it so… *crossing my fingers!!* The bday celebration and having your friend over sounds good tho so yay for that. šŸ™‚

      Oooh I can’t wait to see your jelly sandwich! I just got a white jelly and am just about dying to use it but I’m wearing the not-yet-releases Desert Sun right now and I’m gonna put the glitter I Herd That on top for tomorrow so I guess it’ll have to wait. šŸ˜¦ I want to do that same sw but w white and I bet it will look just like a jawbreaker!

      The polish that brought us together. Haha. I hope you didn’t mind the link. Now you gotta step up your twitter game. Jk. I am super hyped to see your take on that jelly sandwich tho. I love seeing other people’s renditions of nails I’ve done, and I love trying theirs. šŸ™‚

    • Yeah, it does. I can’t afford to fix it, but I also can’t afford a new car. The timing is HORRIBLE…it sucks.
      Oooooo, white jelly…intriguing! I figured I’d start with this gray jelly and, if I like it, I’d look into others (the second part of that plan is going to have to wait a bit!).
      A jawbreaker jelly sandwich sounds amazing! I can’t wait to see it!
      Also interested in seeing Desert Sun with I Herd That over it! That whole collection is on its way to me…purchased prior to the salary impact at work.
      At least doing my nails tonight should be somewhat relaxing!!!

      • Sorry to hear about your car, Lesley. Mine is on the way out too so I’m dreading the next time I have a problem with it. It was the first car I ever bought on my own like 12 years ago. lol Omg my poor little car is so ugly now but I can’t part with it emotionally or financially. Maybe if I put all the money I spend on nail polish towards a new car, I’d have a new one pretty soon. I hope doing your nails does relax you. I think I need to get on twitter since you don’t have a blog…YET.

      • Oh lucky you, getting the full collection! I ended up doing chevron tips w I Herd That. It looks pretty good but I’m kinda thinking I should have done whole nails. Ehh I don’t want to redo them so that’ll have to do. :-/

        • Hahaha…sounds like the three of us all love our beaters! I’ve had mine since senior year in high school, but it still has really low mileage! I agree it is too difficult parting with it emotionally and financially…I don’t even like the car, but it’s MY car! And yes, TRUE STORY…I’d have had a new car by now if I spent less $ on nail polish!
          Nicole, I LOVE the collection. LOVE it. It came today and I do not even feel guilty having spent money on it now that I am broke. An ironic THANKS to Cynthia…it’s her fault for swatching them! I had to not bust into them and do my jelly sammy instead, which I am currently in the midst of doing. It looks good! Those Nfu Oh jellies…oh, my, good thing I can’t afford more right now! And Cynthia…you should SERIOUSLY reconsider skipping the ChG Safari glitters (I’m returning the favor, here). They are like metallic holos…they’re really nice!

          • Oh I know!!! Those Nfu ohs are amazing. I need all of them for sure. Sooo pretty and a dream to work with. The more I think about it the more I think I need “I’m not lion” and “elephant walk” ugh… Maybe I’ll wait till they come out or maybe I’ll go back in and ask for them. We’ll see. These glitters are so pretty and fine. I love it!! RULE NUMBER ONE- do not think of what you “could” afford w your nail polish money. It’s a bad idea. :p

  4. I do have a blog! i have two actually, both in spanish.. one of them is me complaining about the world and the other is about restaurants. i love reading nail polish blog, i just started my addiction.. well I used to do my nails 3 or 4 years ago, but 1.5 years ago, i was about to lost my job (the company was closing its operation in my country) so i started this as an addiction.. it was so relaxing! and I started reading blogs like 3 or 4 months ago..
    I’m still learning and it’s very difficult to find good stuff here, I have to order everything from the US which is expensive. I’m going to Chicago in 1 month, so I know I will go CRAAAAZYYY buying a lot of stuff..!
    BTW, I hate when my husband is reading over my shoulder too, but I have to recognize that I have that annoying habit too (shame on me).

    and BTW, i’m a future nail-blogger.. i know it deep in my heart hahaha!!

    • Yay for future nail bloggers! šŸ™‚ If you start one make sure to come back or tweet me and let me know. šŸ˜€ Oh my goodness when you go to Chicago you’re gonna go nuts! Good luck sticking to a budget! šŸ˜‰

      • budget?! what’s that..! haha.. tell me the best affordable brands, sally hansen is easy to get here.. i’m thinking about buying china glaze (how much does it cost here.. i found it here, but i find it a little bit expensive)..

  5. Tell your husband I said hi! lol According to my site stats, you are the top commenter on my blog. Yay! I wish I could remember how we all found each other…I really don’t remember. The best part of this is definitely the interaction with bloggers and non-bloggers alike. It’s really fun and I get so excited when new people comment. Like yesterday, a new person told me that she bought a nail polish based on my swatch and recommendation and that totally made my day! šŸ™‚ I know my blog is about nail polish, but I also write so much personal and random stuff on there and sometimes I wonder if it annoys people. Like: “All I wanted was a swatch, not to hear about you being in the mental hospital!” lol

    I have to admit that I really love circus peanuts even though I haven’t had them in years. They’re just a weird consistency but they appeal to me. The circus always freaked me out as a kid especially because clowns are so freaking creepy. I don’t know if I like this color, though. It reminds me of Essie Haute As Hello which I didn’t like at all on me.

    • Hey if people don’t wanna read all the personal stuff they can just look at the pictures anyway. Haha. I wonder that sometimes too because I ramble so much. Oh well! šŸ˜‰ I love it when new people comment too. When someone wants to try some nails I did, I think it’s so exciting! It’s just a lot of fun. I don’t know how I started reading your blog either… maybe I was browsing the nail tags on wordpress or maybe you commented and I checked yours out… who knows. Yay for me getting rhe #1 spot! Haha. You’re the #1 commenter on mine too. Figures, since some of our comments go back and forth so many times! šŸ™‚

      • Just wanna say to you both that I like the personal stuff because if I ever start a blog, that’s what I’d want to do…nails and cosmetics and stuff, but also random life tidbits (and pet pics!) here and there. I like to know about the person! I’ve kind of accepted “nails” as a hobby of mine and the “nail blogs” allow polish psychos like ourselves to meet!

        • Exactly! Most of us have nice nails and can do our nails pretty well. However, what sets a blog apart is a good author, like you’d be and like Cynthia is. That’s what makes me wanna keep reading and checking them out, for sure. šŸ™‚

  6. This looks great on you! I almost picked this up when the collection came out, but grabbed grape gum ball instead…was trying to be good with the one. Now I want circus peanuts too..wonder if I can still find it, hmmmm. I’ve never tried circus peanuts before, they never look appealing to me. They make me think they would taste like stale marshmallow. Let me know if you ever try it, i’m curious too.
    I feel the same way too about bloggers and comments. I love that I have regular bloggers who comment on my blog and some regulars that don’t have blogs too, but the majority are bloggers. I often wonder how many people are actually looking at my blog that dont comment and if they regularly visit. I wanna slap trackers on everyone and see whats going on!

    • Same here!!! I wanna take attendance. šŸ™‚ I found this just recently at Sallys and it was clearance and half off clearance so I got it for like a buck. Try Sally’s! I know there are still some in the clearance bin at mine. šŸ˜€

      • My Sallys sucks..I know i’ve said this before haha. But really it does…there’s like virtually no clearance bin ever. If there is its just a couple of polishes (mostly crackles) that are there every time I go and never changes. Since I have nothing to do for a while I am probably going to head over there and see if I can find some….and yell obscenities at the Sallys people if they don’t.

        • I hope you found some. My Sally’s is spotty on new collections/etc but now the lady knows me so she’s nice. šŸ™‚ Maybe some day it’ll change for you. FINGERS CROSSED!!

    • I am going to be an enabler and say check out the rest of that collection at Sally’s if you can find it! I have all of them and was not disappointed.

    • I have peachy keen, too. I should do a side by side and compare them. I think CP is a little pinker and slightly lighter than PK but I’m not totally sure.

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