Happy Birthday Nails!

Good Morning Polished People!

Last weekend we celebrated my brother’s birthday. We went out to a really cool bar that’s really a compound with about 5 bars and a couple of restaurants and a hotel on its grounds. It’s called McMenamin’s Edgefield if you want to check it out. It’s really cool because there are regular bars and little teeny bars and you can walk all around their grounds and just check stuff out. Also there’s a pitch and putt golf course which is SUPER fun during the summer. It was a pretty rainy night so that was unfortunate, but it’s still a cool place. The next day we went over to my parents’ for his bday dinner. The night we went to the bar I had asked my husband what I should do with my nails and he said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if you  wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on your nails?” and I thought about it and decided- YES! It would be hilarious!! Have a peek:

Happy Birthday Nails:



Happy Bday 🙂 Don’t mind my flannel sleeves. I  helped my husband stack wood out in the back yard and was cold so I stole his flannel 🙂

What’s On My Nails:

  • base coat
  • Jelly sandwich using Essie Jelly Apple and OPI Pirouette My Whistle
  • letting done with a striping brush and FP Black Expressionism

I thought these nails were so hilarious!!! It’s not really my style to write words on my nails, and as you can tell I’m not very good at it, but danggg it was so funny to see everyone roll their eyes when I stuck my nails in my brother’s face. I think everyone thought it was a serious thing, so they didn’t laugh . Oh well… not everyone gets my nails or sense of humor ;p

Do people give you funny looks about your nails? Maybe you aren’t as obsessed as I am but those of you I talk to regularly… I know YOU are!! 😉 Let me know what your friends and family think about your nail obsession! Thank you all for reading, and till next time- Happy Polishing!! 😀

24 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Nails!

    • Thanks. Red is his favorite color, so I went w red even though I don’t particularly enjoy long, red nails. They were kinda fun though. 🙂

  1. haha thats great! While I was doing the Nail Challenge I got some funny looks… like why do you have “halloween characters” on your nails… referring to the supernatural day when I did The Nightmare before Christmas, or when I did Goosebumps for the Book day. Words on nails not really my thing either but I got some wierd looks for those too. lol I think it was a cute idea lol

  2. Weird looks? Been getting them all my life! Seriously, the nay looks I get are from little girls when I wear sparkly polish. When I wore my first ugly green (not ugly to me) a few years ago, No More War from RBL, that’s when I got looks. Envious looks!

    • Ahhh I always like those looks! The looks that say “wish I could pull that off!” 😉 I work w kids so they’re always asking about my nails. I think I’ve built myself a little reputation. 🙂

  3. People get grabby with my nails which I am not OK with. It’s nice that they want to see them up close and all, but hands off! My friends accept my nail polish mania and my family kind of gives me a hard time. I kind of hate when someone makes comments about how much I spend on polish (or make-up stuff) because it’s not like I’m asking them to pay my bills. Maybe they’re just jealous!

    Your nails are cute and festive.

    • What I don’t like is when I’m in line, like at the grocery store, and someone wants to ask me a billion questions and I’m holding up the line. I don’t mind answering questions or anything but I don’t like slowing down the line. I have a huge personal bubble so I also don’t like when people wanna grab my hands and stuff. I’ll show you of course, but I don’t wanna hold hands for 5 minutes. Haha. Thanks about the nails. I thought they were fun, even if a little silly. 🙂

      • Silly is good especially when you’re celebrating a b-day. That happens to me too and then I realize I’m holding up the line…ugh! I realized it’s hard to explain how konad works to people who have never heard of it.

    • Oh and I also hate when people talk about how much time I spend on them like it’s bad. I just do my nails instead of like watching TV or whatever. And in the big scheme of things nail polish is pretty darn cheap so where as I used to buy more shoes, now I mainly buy nail stuff so I’m cutting down on my spending! 😉

      • I hate that too! Why is it anyone’s business how we spend our time. I mean, if we were neglecting other things and people in life to mess with our nails then maybe they could say something but if I want to paint my nails instead of other hobbies, leave me alone!

        • Exactly. I do them while my husband and I are watching tv or late at night when I’d be reading or watching tv anyway. It’s not like I don’t cook dinner cuz I wanna do my nails. I do sometimes procrastinate on the laundry but I’d do that anyway. Haha.

          • LOL…I think I’m a weirdo because doing laundry is one of my things. I love to have clean bedding and love the whole process of folding and putting everything away.

  4. lol these are awesome!! I love them haha
    Hmm, I have some girl friends, and my sister, who understand the world of nails haha. A few guys and my fiance get a kick out of some funky nail stuff 😀

  5. So these are the nails you mentioned on Twitter, haha! I don’t think I’ve ever written anything on my nails. It’d probably look atrocious. I feel I have to do a green mani and write on it for my brother’s b-day in Sept. now!

    • Hahaha I think you should!!! Just be prepared for people to think you have officially lost all your mind! Mine look pretty dang rough but it was still pretty fun. If I had any skills I’d have made some bday balloons on the free thumb. 🙂

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