My Mom’s Next Nails

Hey There Polished People!

Earlier this month when I posted the swatch and review of Julep Julia I posted the picture on Instagram and Twitter. Bundle Monster follows me and they saw my picture and commented on how pretty the color was. I agreed and said it was begging for a stamp and the person who runs Bundle Monster suggested the swirly stamp on BM 314 and when I reminded myself of what stamp that was, I had to agree! ๐Ÿ™‚ Ready to see what it looks like?

My Mom’s Next Nails



How To Get These Nails:

  1. Base coat.
  2. Paint your nails with Julep Julia. If you’d like to become part of the maven program, please use my link here to sign up and use the code JULEPVIP to get your first box for a penny. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Apply a coat of Seche Vite and allow your nails to dry and harden.
  4. Use BM 314 and Essie Penny Talk to stamp this design on each nail.
  5. Apply a final coat of Seche Vite and impress your friends!!

When I showed my mom these nails she thought they were EXTRA pretty! Guess what her nails are going to look like next time I do them? You got it!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I really like doing her nails because it’s just fun to do someone else’s nails for a change and then all the ladies at her work will be really impressed and think my mom is extra super cool, which she totally is. ๐Ÿ˜‰ The problem is that especially around the holidays when it would have been extra fun to do her nails, she’s so busy always cooking, cleaning, etc that they would hardly last a day. I think maybe this or next weekend I’ll insist on doing her nails. I always go over there on the weekends so I’ll have time to do them. I can’t believe it but there was a time in my teens when I wasย embarrassedย to go shopping with my mom. I love my parents, why would I be embarrassed about going out and about with them?? I guess that’s a typical teen thing, but when I think about it I’m so ashamed of myself! My mom is definitely my best friend and although it’s like kinda awkward to say that to her, I think she knows. I talk to her at least twice a day, run over to her house all the time for all kinds of possible reasons (my mom and dad only live like 7 minutes away), and just always like hanging out with her. Same goes for my dad, but he hates being mentioned and especially photographed and posted online so I’ll just leave it at that. ๐Ÿ™‚

I used to think everyone’s parents were like mine- very nice but strict and held us to high expectations, always were there for us no matter what, never said one bad thing to us in our whole lives (not even when we were ornery little turds refusing to get along for even the shortest period of time), gave us every single thing we could possibly need and 99.9% of everything we ever wanted, and they still do to this day. When I got a little older and started really getting a glimpse into other people’s family life I was shocked that all parents weren’t like mine. I always appreciated my parents, but once I realized they were SUPER DUPER special, not just regular special I was EXTRA thankful.

Do you ever do your mom’s nails? Anyone else’s? I talk like I do my mom’s all the time- I’ve done them exactly ONCE, haha- but I do like to do other people’s nails. I actually did my sister-in-law’s nails for her and my brother’s wedding. How do you like these particular stamped nails? Let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you all for reading and till next time- Happy Polishing!!ย 

14 thoughts on “My Mom’s Next Nails

  1. I’ve never done anyone’s nails before ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
    But when I get my stamp, I want to test on Ma because then I get extra practice ๐Ÿ˜€ she has no choice.
    My Mum is my best friend too. Although like you, I’d never tell her but she knows. I like spending time with my mom and stepdad (I have no rela with biodad) and they’re always there for me and G. (And Ma listens to me when I say I want a stamp kit for Christmas so ๐Ÿ˜› lol)

    But the mani, Nicole, SPECTACULAR and I know I say that about everything you do but this is even more gorgeous! I really, REALLY love this! The colour, stamp and finished look!

    • Haha that was cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ You should definitely do her nails sometime. It’s not that hard. I started doing kids’ nails at my work till they were little brats about it and made it a problem. Then I did my sister in laws for the wedding and my goodness it took so long cuz I was so scared of them not being PERFECT! But then I did my moms and hers didn’t take too long. You’re going to have so much fun w your stamping plates! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • My mom is really picky cuz she’s really hard on her nails so she doesn’t want anything that shows chips too bad, but if I find something in a color that will all least not be like HEY LOOK IM CHIPPED!!!! she will definitely let me do them. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. These are super cute! The colors and the stamps…just perfect. I was a major asshole to my parents when I was a teen mostly because I was super depressed during a couple of years in high school and didn’t know how to ask for help. I know my parents love me unconditionally–especially after this rough past couple of years. I miss them a lot even though they drive me nuts when they are here. lol I was kind of like you in that I always thought everyone’s parents were great like mine until I got older and saw that a lot of people aren’t as lucky. My mom never lets me do her nails. One time I did them and used glitter and she was so mad at me when she tried to remove it. LOL

    • First off, thanks for the compliment! With the exception of these I’m in such a crappy nail slump. The stamping is even awful on these… and I don’t mean to be stuck up but, my stamping is NOT usually awful!! Ughhh.. anyway.
      Now- YOU USED GLITTER ON YOUR MOM!!?! Hahaha!! No wonder she wont let you do them. Oh my gosh, if I put glitter on my mom’s nails, for one she wouldn’t even let me cuz of the look of it, but two she would KILL ME when she tried to remove it! Especially considering she uses kleenex to remove her polish (well, sometimes, I think she used cotton balls sometimes too) it would NEVER come off! Haha.

  3. These are so pretty and I think they’re a great choice for your mom’s next manicure! Did you get a chance to do them last weekend, or did you mean this upcoming weekend?
    I was a pretty big turd to my parents when I was a teenager, but I guess that’s how it goes. Some of it was typical teenager crap, but sometimes I don’t feel completely unjustified. For example, when I was a senior in high school, anytime I said anything about graduation they’d just be like, who cares, you’d better graduate high school, it’s not a big deal, etc. Then graduation day comes and they decorated and bought me all this fancy stuff and I was like, what the hell?, does not compute. So then I wanted to go to assorted people’s parties/grad night and was telling them about it and they got mad because they insisted I go to dinner with them. I said I was planning to, this would just be after, and I’m not even sure what happened but we got into this huge fight because they were accusing me of not wanting to spend time with my family and being “ungrateful” and I was grounded and didn’t get to go to anything, even grad night that I had put down a deposit on. I remember staying in my room for like 3 days and then finally “apologizing” just to get things back to normal. I very specifically remember not even meaning it. Anyway…
    As soon as I went away to college (which I insisted on doing and they didn’t want me to – go to college, yes, far away, no), things improved drastically. However, my father passed away shortly after and I kind of missed out on our adult relationship, as he was gone and my mom couldn’t really handle it well and then she got ill. I can’t really do anything about it, so – it is what it is!
    I’m glad that you have a good relationship with your parents and appreciate them. I see a fair amount of drama (nothing super bad, but, bad enough that they talk about it) among my friends with dealing with splitting time between their parents and in-laws when it comes to their kids and/or holidays, etc., and sometimes I don’t miss having to deal with that kind of thing!
    I haven’t really done anyone else’s nails. My friends are nowhere near as cosmetics-obsessed as I am, but I’d be happy to do them if they asked! I bet some of their daughters are going to think I am the coolest ever when they get older (like a lot older – the two I know aren’t even 1 yet), haha!

    • Wow… That sounds pretty unreasonable about the grad night party. I guess some parents just don’t understand teenagers (well, I don’t think anyone does, not even teens, but some parents don’t attempt to as much, haha) but that’s too bad because that’s a once in a lifetime thing. It’s unfortunate that you ended up having to insincerely apologize in the end but I guess… What can you do. Everyone does the best they can and sometimes even parents are stubborn! Haha.
      Oh my gosh, you will be the coolest when they get into their like “Tweens” and teens. I’m hoping that by the time I have kids I’ll still be into nails and it’ll still be cool cuz I think that would be so fun. Watch, I’ll have all boys. Haha. My husband only has a brother and on my dad’s side of the family I’m the only girl so that’s probably quite likely! Someone’s gonna have to let mom do their nails!! Jk!!
      And to answer your question- no. I didn’t do my moms nails. I don’t know why!! Well for one I got in that little car accident and then idk.. we were just chatting and doing other stuff, not including painting her nails. Next weekend?? ๐Ÿ˜€

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