Christmas Wrapping Paper Nails

Hey There Polished People!!

Today I have a quick post to share with you my nails that I actually wore for Christmas. ย I know I’m a bit late but sometimes photo editing takes me soooo long! Gosh, if you only knew how much time I spent taking pictures and then cropping and rotating them and picking the best picture out of like 100 seemingly identical pictures you would think I was completely certifiable. I don’t have any special equipment that I take my pictures with, so I take them outside and then crop them down to just my nails, and rotate them in whichever way makes sense. I don’t ever color-correct them, I don’t have any software to edit out weird things in my pictures, it’s just literally a snapshot from my backyard. If the coloring is bad, I have to retake the pictures. It’s sometimes an arduous process. All you other bloggers out there know what I’m talking about. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, between that and putting together THREE drawer cubes (“Melmers”) from Michael’s I’ve been a busy girl. AND I’m back on a reading kick, as I’m sure some of you know.ย Siobhan definitely knows what I’m talking about. ๐Ÿ™‚ Her and I are even friends on Goodreads now. ๐Ÿ™‚ You can be my friend too, if you’d like. You can friend me by searching LacqueredAndLiterate in the “find friends” box and possibly/hopefully by clicking on my Goodreads profile here. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, here are the nails that I wore on Christmas Eve, Christmas, the day after Christmas and just finally took them off last night. ๐Ÿ™‚

Wrapping Paper Nails


These are just my Holly Berry Nails with a different base. Instead of using plain white, I stamped the white base with my Essence plate and Essie Good As Gold. I hope you like this slightly souped-up version of those nails. They were some of my husband’s favorites so I went with them instead of the snowflakes that I’d worn for like 3+ days before Christmas.

Are you on Goodreads? Do you want to be friends? Haha, doesn’t that sound just so pathetic!? Anyway, let me know your username if you do, let me know how you liked these nails, and hey- what did you all wear on your nails over Christmas? I can’t wait to hear! Thanks for reading and till next time- Happy Polishing!! ๐Ÿ˜€

26 thoughts on “Christmas Wrapping Paper Nails

    • Oh good!! I want more reading friends. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up w nails and reading and life and everything else but I’m gonna try! ๐Ÿ™‚ I just finished by urban fantasy chic lit book last night and now I have to decide what’s next- 13 reasons why, Ellen Hopkins’ Tilt, Lois Lowry’s Son or…. those are the options right now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I hear you on the photos. I don’t even *have* a blog, I just post pics on Twitter, but it sounds like my approach is exactly the same as yours. I take pics in my backyard or outside on my lunch break, choose the one that is “the best” out of several essentially identical pics, and then just crop them with the photo editing software that came with my camera. I rarely “edit” beyond that…I feel out of my element! So, if you are certifiable, I am there with you!
    I do like this “souped up” version of your holly nails! I really like the striped base. I heart them extra because Daniel likes them…I think that is SO cute! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I think I’m going to check out Goodreads. If I’ve enjoyed interacting with other nail-obsessed peeps online, I will probably enjoy sharing another hobby online, too! I’ll hit you up on there if I get on it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Naked nails for me for Christmas. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I think I already explained what led up to that, so I’ll spare you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Ugh but having a billion dollars in camera equipment can really be a pain! Haha.
      And thanks about the nails! He does occasionally contribute to designs either in choosing a color, saying something is good/bad or choosing his favorite. I think he’s given up on me not painting my nails all the time and has just succumbed to our house smelling slightly like a nail salon. :p

  2. Oooh, now we can be friends on Goodreads! I always am reading but never seem to update my profile. I got The Night Circus from one of my grandparents this Christmas and I’m almost finished with it.

    I had big plans for Christmas nails, wrapping paper themed too, but never got around to doing them. I was just too busy with family!

    • I was so busy too. Hence the lack of posts every day. Holidays are awesome but super busy when you’re an adult.
      I read the night circus last year. I thought it was pretty good but kinda anticlimactic if I remember right. You’ll have to let me know how you like it when you’re done. Yay! about being friends on goodreads. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I should check out that good reads thing–I’ve been reading a lot lately especially before I fall asleep. I have such a ginormous headache right now mostly from spending the last few hours labeling and packaging nail polish. :/ I’ve always been watching vintage Grey’s Anatomy and I am so sad that it’s not as good anymore. I don’t remember if you are a GA fan, but I am just watching the whole Izzie/Denny arch and I was bawling–she was great in those episodes. Anyway–about the nails. I think these look so great. I love the colors and I actually looooove the base with the gold stripes.

    • Thanks!! You can be kinda hard to please so if you like it that’s a big stamp of approval. ;p I actually never watched Grey’s Anatomy. People love it (well, at least they DID) and I just never started watching it. I didn’t even know it was still on. You should definitely check out Goodreads! We can be friends! Haha.

  4. Oh, and about the pics….ugh…you know I am right there with you. Lately my pictures have looked like shit mostly because my camera likes to take a million dumps on me. I don’t get it. Once I can afford it, I am going to invest in a real light box and none of my ghetto contraptions.

    • There are a lot of dumps going on all around- on teachers’ heads, your camera’s doing it to you… my goodness. I think your pictures have still looked nice though. I haven’t really noticed. I was going to get a lightbox for Christmas but then I was like nahhh I’ll make one myself. We’ll see if that happens.

  5. omg I love these nails!!!! I am so with you with the photo editing, my las post took me about an hour and 80% of it was picture editing. I use the advanced one I think it is or Efficient… and the only thing I edit out is any dry cuticles or marks on my fingers usually, I don’t edit the colors much either. your pictures always look great though if that helps!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I will have to check that out. If I have something weird on my fingers it just has to get better before I take pics or it’s seen. Thanks for telling me what you use. I don’t want to do anything crazy but I wouldn’t mind having a bit of an option to edit things a LITTLE. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks about the nails and the photos. I’m glad they’re not like egregiously sucky. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Lmao I already follow you on GR and whilst reading this morn I found out Jace and Clary aren’t siblings!!!! Nearly did I jump through the roof lmao!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ooooooooo lekker ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Also I love the nails. I remember you posting a pic of the base and I like how everything works together – the colours and design!

    • Yayyyy!!! I wanted to talk to you about that revelation so bad but of course I knew you hadn’t read that part yet so I was like ughhhhhh HURRY UP!! :p jk… kinda. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Super lekker!!
      Thanks about the nails. ๐Ÿ™‚ I felt rather uninspired about christmas nails this year so I just kinda threw these together but was happy with the outcome.

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