Badger Cuticle Care Review

Hey There Polished People!

As you may already know I’m a big Badger Balm fan. In fact, if you are looking for some last-minute stocking-stuffer type presents I absolutely recommend the Badger Balm ornament. Anyway, today isn’t about the regular Badger Balm, today is about a product that’s been around for a while but that I just finally got to try- Badger Cuticle Care!

Badger Cuticle Care

Badger Cuticle Care

See those beads of shea butter at the surface? :)

See those beads of shea butter at the surface? 🙂 Those are going to give you the cuticles you always wanted!

Part of the fun of the Badger Balm products are their cute illustrations on each product (they're all unique to each product) and the little details like the lettering around the edge of this tin.

Part of the fun of the Badger Balm products are their cute illustrations on each product (they’re unique to each product) and the little details like the lettering around the edge of this tin.


Badger Cuticle Care is a super smooth and silky cuticle balm. The best way I can describe it is that it’s like a solid oil. The surface of the balm is hard, but you don’t have to scoop any product up, you just rub your finger over it and the warmth of your finger will melt the top layer and pick up some of the product and you can rub it into your cuticles. I am a person who always has to scoop up product for it to feel like there’s enough on my skin, but trust me when I say that just what your finger picks up will be plenty. This tin is going to last me forever!! I’ve been using it daily for several weeks and as you can see it hardly looks like it’s been used! It absorbs quickly but keeps your cuticles soft for a long time. Also one of my absolutely favorite things about this, the thing that puts it way above my Sally Hansen cuticle balm, my Dionis cuticle balm and my Burt’s Bees cuticle balm, is that it doesn’t leave any gummy residue!! Those other balms leave this gross, gummy residue between my cuticles and nail polish that I oftentimes don’t see till I’m taking my photos, and this doesn’t do anything of the sort! I absolutely love it. I’ll never go back to Burt’s Bees (which quite honestly does nothing for me in comparison to this) or my Sally Hansen balm (which is the WORST when it comes to the gummy residue).


Ahhh the scent is heavenly. Badger Cuticle Care smells like lemongrass and ginger. It’s clean and fragrant but not over powering, and just makes me want to sniff my fingernails all day long (or rather all night long since I generally apply it before bed).


I have been trying so hard to avoid cutting my cuticles and only moisturize and push them back. I wasn’t sure it was possible for me to do that until I started using this product. My cuticles are definitely normal right now (as in, not cut into non-existence which is what I prefer) and they’re not dry at all! Look at my latest nails if you want proof. My cuticles are soft and smooth and look good up-close in all my pictures. If you’re someone who is leery about cuticle care (you know who you are!!) you should definitely give this a try. What good are nice nails if you have gnarly, jacked-up cuticles? No one wants to see that, people! Get some Badger Cuticle Care, give it one or two weeks and I guarantee you and anyone who looks at your nails/hands will be thankful!! 😉 This product has provided much better results than my other cuticle creams/balms and absorbs much better than my cuticle oils. It’s the best!

Yes, Please! or No, Thank You:

Do you really need to ask? YES, PLEASE!!! I love Badger Cuticle Care and like I said, will never go back to my former favorites. I love how it takes the best attributes from cuticle oil (moisturizing, long lasting, no residue) and cuticle balm (absorbs into the skin, lasts for a long time) and combines them into this great-smelling and long-lasting tin of cuticle goodness. I can’t stress how important nice cuticles are to having nice nails. If you want to take your nails from just nice to “wow.. are those real??” you need to use Seche Vite, a clean-up brush, and a good-quality cuticle balm such as this one. You can find Badger Cuticle Care and other Badger products at natural food stores, some gift shops (I found my first tin at Cracker Barrel) and on their website,

Have you tried Badger Cuticle Care? What is one of your favorites? Let me know if you’re a big ol’ Badger fan such as myself! As always, thank you all for reading and till next time- Happy Polishing!! 

And PS: How cute is this card that I got from the awesome people at Badger Balm!! I love it!!


I don't have all my cards up yet but here's my card wreath. :) You can see my Badger card on the bottom waiting to have its picture taken! ;)

I don’t have all my cards up yet but here’s my Christmas card wreath. 🙂 You can see my Badger card on the bottom, waiting to have its picture taken! 😉

**Product(s) in this post were provided by PR for honest review. For more info please see my disclosure page.**

25 thoughts on “Badger Cuticle Care Review

  1. I think I might be addicted to cuticle oils/creams/balms/etc! I bought this one for my mom but I haven’t tried it yet…I might have to add it to my arsenal as well! Thanks for the review.

    • Oh me too! I LOVE trying new stuff and seeing how it works. Unfortunately a lot of stuff is just so so. I hope you get a chance to try this and like it! I know I do! 🙂

    • Hey there shirtless profile picture woman! :p Yeah I definitely think this is better than Burt’s Bees. It’s more moisturizing feeling, lasts longer, no gross residue, isn’t sticky, and it’s all organic and natural. It’s great. This is oil and Shea butter based where as BB is waxy (bees waxy of course) and the smell of BB is more sweet like lemonade or lemon heads where as Badger is more gingery and a more pure lemon smell. I seriously love it. Let me know if you try it. 🙂

      • I think I’m going to order it and try it out. I’ve been hesitant to order stuff since I should be moving in a couple of weeks.. Did you get this in a store or online? And haha I do look like I’m topless in my pic. You’re the only one to notice that, hrmmm…. =P

        • Well I have something to tell you… Just kidding! Haha. And I got mine in the mail from PR but especially right now things should ship quick. Everyone is in holiday shipping mode yknow. 🙂 I’m trying to get Daniel to go get mine for me right now… I’m cold and don’t want to get out from under my blanket… but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. :-/

          • That is true. I noticed on Amazon I didn’t have to pay for shipping and everything has been getting here super quick…. Hrmmm…

            • Yeah I’ve got all my stuff super fast. I order stuff at like 9 and it says it’s shipping at like midnight. It’s amazing. Thank goodness cuz I ordered like 80% of my presents this year!!

    • Thanks!!! I love my card wreath. And yes the packaging of all the Badger stuff is just adorable. I love the sleep balm badger… I think he’s in a hammock. So cute.

  2. Oh my gosh…I nearly died when you mentioned the Sally Hansen Cuticle Balm. That stuff is foul. I had such high hopes for it because I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE their cuticle removers, but the cuticle balm is so gross. I can’t even wash off the weird residue it leaves behind so I have to scrub my hands raw. I had never heard of Badger products until you were talking about them here on your blog…I think I should check them out since you know we’re always battling our cuticles. Maybe we can start a chain of love and send some to people who post bloody cuticle pics. 😉

    • Chain of love? I think we both know it would be a chain of hate. Haha. But it would be an excellent idea nonetheless. :p Ugh I’m so glad someone agrees w me about the SH stuff!!! It’s like that residue is waterproof or something. I have to literally scrape it away w like two bristles of my nail brush to get it off me. And I haven’t noticed that it does anything for my cuticles. I was so disappointed when I first tried it cuz I thought it was gonna be so great!! It smells good though. But that is not enough! The disgusting nastiness is just too much!

      • Oh yes!! The scent is wonderful…I can agree on that. I think that’s why I liked it a lot in the beginning–meaning before I tried to wash it off. I think I still have it but I should throw it away. lol@chain of hate. I swear I have so many new pet peeves now. You know what’s bugging me now even MORE than bloody and crusty cuticles? People who photoshop the hell out of their fingers/skin so that they don’t even look like real fingers anymore. It’s really freaking annoying and I’m starting to avoid any blog that does that. My hands/fingers aren’t perfect–I wash dishes and scrub my bathroom and use cleaning products that are probably bad for me, but hey…my hands are what they are and I’m going to show them as they are–not all blurred out and photoshoped. Can you tell it annoys me? lol

        • Yeah I totally understand that too!! Let’s just face it.. we have a lot of pet peeves. :p And you know what- I still have my SH cuticle balm too. Haha. It just smells so good I want it to be good. But it’s not. 😦
          The photoshopping into oblivion is annoying. I saw some girls blog whose hands looked like wax. it was so weird and it took me forever to figure out why they looked that way! I don’t have photoshop so you wont be seeing that here. If I have a messed up finger (i cut my cuticle on my right hand the other day at work I think) I just do a three finger picture! Haha. That looks weird but at least it isn’t gross or super over edited. I actually don’t edit my pictures at all, except to crop them. I don’t know how! I guess the perk of that is that it keeps me honest!

          • You can actually do some editing with some FREE online resources but I’m so bad at it that I just don’t do it. Sometimes I try to color correct but I end up making the hue/tint look moronic so I try not to do anything except crop and add my watermark thing-y. Sometimes I feel like my fingers look really wrinkly so I am tempted to use the blur function but that would make me a hypocrite. hahaha.

            • I love how you described the coloring as moronic. Omg look at that person’s skin- they must be a dang MORON!! ;p I think I’ll just stick to the cropping only, unless I buy photoshop software then is like to blur my fingers into oblivion. SIKE!

  3. I read your post and then immediately went to amazon and bought a tin to try. I have tried Bert’s Bees and Avon’s balm… and I’m still searching. I hope this works for me! Thanks so much for the review!!

    • You’re welcome!! I’m glad you’re getting some. You’re gonna love it and then you’re gonna want the Healing Balm (now I think it’s just called Badger Balm) and then the sleep balm. Just wait. 🙂 Let me know how you like it once you get it!

  4. I finally found a bunch of badger balm when I went to the new ulta that opened somewhat close to me…not really, but its the closest one. Didn’t get any though. I’m trying to work through my lemony flutter before it expires. I’ll probably try out some badger balm then 🙂 I can’t resist a good review + cute packaging.

    • I bet you’ll love this stuff. The lip product is good but if I chose one I’d definitely pick this. I’m kinda picky about my lip stuff- like I only use the same stuff over and over. Never anything new for very long. Haha.

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