China Glaze White on White with Silver Stamping

Good Morning Polished People!

I just love my ChG White on White!! My old go-to white, OPI Alpine Snow, is pretty old and getting goopy so it’s a little thicker than it originally was but in the beginning I remember thinking I could apply like 3 coats of it and it still wasn’t completely opaque. White on White would be opaque in one careful coat, but with my nail painting skills I do two and it’s perfect. While I was playing with my new white polish, I tried a little stamping over it. Let’s have a peek at my…

White on White with Silver Stamping Nails:

My camera just does NOT know how to handle white nails so I apologize for them being so overexposed. With my newΒ  camera I should have much better pics from here on out. I hope you can get the general idea even with the overly bright pictures.

How To Get These Nails:

  1. Apply your basecoat. I used Essie Feed Me today.
  2. Apply 2 medium coats of ChG White on White.
  3. Apply 1 coat of Seche Vite and allow to dry thoroughly.
  4. When dry, use Konad special silver polish and RA stamp 106 to stamp this wavy design onto each nail.
  5. After you’ve stamped all your nails, apply a final coat of Seche Vite and you’re good to go! πŸ˜‰

Have you bought any of the Red Angel plates yet? Do you have any other plates besides Konad or Bundlemonster that you use and love? I’d also like suggestions for “the best” Konad plate so that I can buy one or two (or more…) and compare the quality, as I only have “faux-nad” plates myself. πŸ™‚ As always thanks for reading and for leaving comments. It really makes me excited to blog when I get the feedback from you all. I really appreciate it! πŸ˜€

19 thoughts on “China Glaze White on White with Silver Stamping

  1. This looks great! That color and stamp looks great with the white! πŸ˜€ Stamping is such a fun and easy way to spice up the nails!

  2. Here you go again tempting me with one of your other amazing image plates. UGH!!!!!! I want them all now. I’m going to look for this white because the one I have takes way too many coats to be opaque…might as well use white out like when I was in elementary school.

    • Whoops!! Guess we’re even!! These are so cheap instead of a couple of your 8 billion zoyas you coulda got these! Haha. I just ordered that black layla holo from Ulta tonight btw!! πŸ™‚

      This is such a great white. It’s like white-out with its opacity but not all gross and goopy. Hey- didn’t you say you got some of the poppy-razzi polishes? I just picked up the neon pink and it’s kinda weird. How are the rest?

      • You are so right!! I could have purchased tons of plates instead of tons of nail polish. lol

        I haven’t purchased any poppy razzi polishes actually. My nail guy had them and he told me they sucked so I passed on them. After thinking it over, I decided I did want to get them and they weren’t at the cheaper place I get them at. Now that I have started my no-buy policy, I can’t get them!!! Whaaaaaa! I’m sure they will still be around when I can buy them. I can’t wait to see your swatch of the neon pink. Do it! Swatch it! How is it weird? Oooh…guess, you’ll tell us when you review it. πŸ™‚

        Ooohhh…the black layla looks ah-mazing. I know you’re gonna love it.

        • I’m so excited for that Layla!!! πŸ˜€ The poppyrazzi collection is a little uninspired but it’s pretty. πŸ™‚ I don’t even like pink but I had to grab that one. I’m spoiling my review here but it’s weird cuz it’s really goopy and it even though it looks like a neon it’s kinda not. It doesn’t have that glowing quality my neon orange (that you’ll see tomorrow) has. It’s bright and cool but not quite retina-searing which is what I wanted.

          • Ah, well that kinda sucks. I’m interested in seeing your review. To tell you the truth, I’m kinda glad that they’re not as drool-worthy…that way I won’t lose my mind pinning after it.

            • Yeah they’re really not. Don’t sweat not getting them. They don’t dry as bright as you expect them to be. They’re nothing special, just like your beauty supply guy told you. (It’s a guy, right?) I should have the review up in a few days. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you! White is one of those colors that have to be done just right, y’know? You gotta make sure your nails look decent and pick a good formula with a nice top coat. They’re a little stark but I occasionally enjoy white nails πŸ™‚ I’m glad you liked these! Thanks for reading and commenting!!!

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