Teenage Mutant Neon Turtles

Hey Everyone,

I’m on the last leg of our vacation so I should be getting back to regular posts pretty soon. I hope those of you who follow me on Twitter ( @polishmeplease ) or Instagram ( @nicole_423 ) have been enjoying my vacation pics and tidbits. My husband likes to brew his own beer so we try to hit up some local breweries “for inspiration” and then I like to get my National Parks Passport stamped and we both like exploring things so we go to some national parks, landmarks, memorials, etc. And then of course you KNOW I gotta look for some interesting nail finds so occasionally I’ll find something worth sharing in that department. 🙂 Thanks for following along. 🙂

Today I have some nails that I’m calling Teenage Mutant Neon Turtle Nails. Sing along w me, then I’ll show you the nails.

Teenage mutant neon turtles, teenage mutant neon turtles, teenage mutant neon turtles, turtles w a neon shell. TURTLE POWER!!

Teenage Mutant Neon Turtle Nails




I used my 2012 300 series Bundle Monster stamps (stamp BM313) w Konad Special black polish and the base is China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise which is SUPER pretty but more green than turquoise if you ask me. I actually loved how these turned out. Eye catching yet easy to do… perfect combination! 😉

Let me know if you like these nails! Are you a fan of roadtrips? If yes- what was your favorite trip? As always thank you so much for reading and till next time- Happy Polishing! 😀

34 thoughts on “Teenage Mutant Neon Turtles

  1. wow! nice! It turned out that I don’t like stamping… it’s too much work and I’d rather paint them myself (I’m lazy-creative) 🙂

    • Thanks!! What’s funny is that stamping is easy for me and I’d never have the patience to paint it myself!! I guess it’s just all a matter of preference. 🙂 Thanks for reading and commenting!! 😀

  2. Love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them, love them :*

    • Thank you!! I loved them too. I’m working on some Yellowstone nails tonight in the cabin me and Brad, er… Daniel 🙂 are hanging out in here cuz there’s a big storm blowing over. The thunder sounds very cool. 🙂 I’ll keep ya posted on our fun via Twitter and IG 😀 Thanks again!!!

  3. hahaha i was singing the TMNT theme.

    so nice your husband likes to brew his own beer.. one of my coworkers is having the first microbrew fest in panama!!

    it so cool, because he’s always sharing with me all the information he’s gathering.. now we know that there’s a lot of small bars that do their own beer.. soo cool!
    he did beer like 3 weeks ago..
    so nicee..

    • That’s awesome your friend is having the first Brewfest. It’s pretty popular out here so I bet it’ll catch on quick there as well. It’s so fun trying the different beers everyone makes and stuff. I’m not a huge beer lover, but I do like trying them. 🙂 You should try making your own since you like it!! It’s really not that hard. Just takes a little bit of equipment. 😉 Maybe your husband could brew w that friend!

    • Turtle power!! Whoop whoop!! Hahaha. Thanks, Traci. I did these a couple of weeks ago and was just hanging onto the pics for some reason. I decided it was time to post these bad boys. 🙂 Thanks again!!

  4. I really was singing the song…it was one of my favorite cartoons to watch in the morning. I remember begging my dad do take me to watch the TMNT movie when it first came out and I had the video games which I played all the time. I think I even had some TMNT clothes and sheets. (Yes, I am a girl.)

    As far as the nails go, this is my favorite design/color combo that you have done in a really long time. Turned up Turquoise is really one of my favorite CG colors. Actually, I think it’s one of the first CG colors that I ever got at Sally’s! Glad you’re having a good time on your vacay!

    • We are having a lot of fun! The caves were awesome and we are in a nice cabin for our last few days so that’s super nice. 🙂 I’m kinda ready to be home tho- my own bed, own shower, get my doggies back, etc 🙂

      I LOVED the TMNT too! I had a TMNT sleeping bag and some of the toys, they were awesome. My favorite was Michelangelo, maybe cuz he was orange?? Anyway, I always played the Nintendo game, too. I loved these nails too. They were just right… like bright but anchored by the black, patterned but clean, eye catching but crisp… I just really liked them. 🙂 Thanks!!

  5. *Sigh* Nicole. What are you doing to me, driving me to Sally’s non-stop? I’ll have to pick this up this week before my August coupon expires!
    Actually, I’ve definitely eyed this many a time, so you’re just confirming it’s worth getting 🙂
    I LOVE these nails, much like everyone else, and they came with an added nostalgia bonus!
    Who was your favorite turtle? I forget who I ultimately settled on. I liked Michaelangelo at first, but everyone liked Michaelangelo, so that turned me off. Then I think I liked Leonardo, then Donatello, or maybe it was the other way around. Poor Raphael was always left out for me 🙂

    • Uh… you’re welcome? 😉 This is a great color so you’ll be happy you have it. I do that all the time to- see a color and be like hmm do I need it? Then I see other people w it and eventually I just have to run to Sally’s at like 6:55 before they close and get it. Haha.

      My favorite was Michelangelo. I actually like Raphael, too cuz he had those little pointy throwy things. I didn’t like Donatello much cuz isn’t he the one with the stick? I found that to be to boring apparently. Haha. What weapon did Leonardo have? I can’t remember.

  6. These are so awesome! I love the opposite accent nail. I miss taking road trips 😦 I used to take mini ones with my best friend years ago before I started having serious long term relationships and had tons of free time…and before out credit card debt accumulated due to those trips haha. But they’re always worth the memories.

    • Thanks! Roadtrips are the best!! You should go on them w your boyfriends. It’s a good way to know if he’s “the one” and all that business and it’s fun! Ours comes to a close tonight but I’m sure in a few months we’ll get to planning our next. 🙂 We just got done playing minigolf at our campground- I won. 😀

  7. Pingback: Top 10 Ideas for Turtle Manicure Designs (Hot Trend Alert)

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