Purple and Gold- Julep Julia Swatch and Review

Hey There Polished People!

Here we are- already in 2013. I hope that everyone had a nice New Year. My New Year’s Eve was great. We did it a little low key these days. We spent New Year’s Eve with my parents, brother, sister-in-law and my brother’s friend Kyle. We all just hung out and visited, drank champagne, ate vodka gummy bears, ate lots of good food including but not limited to fondue from this German restaurant called The Rheinlander and lit fireworks sporadically throughout the night but especially at midnight. The night before New Year’s Eve my little dog hurt her leg and I thought it was broken so on New Year’s Eve during the day I had to take her to the vet. They determined that her leg was not broken but COULD have something torn or could just be sprained, and of course at the vet she wasn’t limping AT ALL or wincing when the doctor touched her leg so I think they probably thought I was crazy. Since she was acting all perfectly fine at the vet I decided to forgo the x-rays to the tune of about 175 dollars and instead got out of there for a little less than 100 bucks and am now giving her an anti-inflammatory medicine once a day and just watching her really closely. I was glad that that’s all that happened and my New Year’s turned out to be good after all. I was so worried the night before because she seemed so hurt but she doesn’t speak English and couldn’t just tell me what was up. People have sprained ankle or sore muscles all the time but at least we can say, “Man, my arm sure hurst! I must have slept on it wrong.” Dogs just cry and squeal and scare the crap out of me that they’re going to be broken beyond repair or something. Yikes. Luckily though all is well. 🙂

Today I want to share a polish that I got quite a while ago. I believe this was in the December Maven box. Speaking of Julep Mavens, if you want to join please use my referral code: 4808958 when you sign up, or just click this link to sign up using my referral code. Also, when you sign up using my referral info, make sure to use the code JULEPVIP to get your first Maven box for just a penny. Yes, that’s right- nail polish for ONE CENT!! Are you ready to see one of the polishes you could potentially get from Julep?? Here we are:

Julep Julia

Julep Julia

Julep Julia (3)


Julep Julia is a beautiful purple polish with a crazy sparkly gold shimmer finish. It’s a bit of a color shifter with it looking dark, then light, then sparkly, then pure gold… It’s so pretty and you really have to see it in person to completely appreciate it. I LOVE this polish!


Non-problematic. Builds to opacity in a 2-3 coats, dries quick.

Yes, Please! or No, Thank You:

YES, PLEASE! I seriously LOVE Julep Julia. In fact as I’m thinking about what to do with my nails tonight I’m thinking maybe I’ll wear this polish and do some stamping on top. I may or may not do that but what I do know is that I can’t go wrong with this polish. It’s a winner! Go get it. 🙂

Also, I have only heard rumors of this on Twitter, but apparently if you become a Julep Maven you can get one of these awesome phone covers for about 14 bucks. How cute are these?!?!


If you want to join, please use my referral code: 4808958 when you sign up, or just click this link to sign up using my referral code. Also, when you sign up using my referral info, make sure to use the code JULEPVIP to get your first Maven box for just a penny.

How do you like this polish? How was your New Year’s Eve? Do you like to go out and be in the crowds or do you prefer a house party with your friends? Maybe you prefer nothing at all. Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for being with me over the last year, and till next time- Happy Polishing!! 😀

20 thoughts on “Purple and Gold- Julep Julia Swatch and Review

  1. I’m glad that you had a good New Year’s and that Minnie is OK. When you said she doesn’t speak English, I was thinking, “Does she speak Spanish like Baxter?” 😉
    That is an amazing color! It kind of reminds me of Zoya Daul, but I don’t have that one, so I can’t say for sure.
    You can read about my NYE in my latest comment on Jessica’s blog. 2012 was shitty up until the bitter end, haha. I’m just relieved it’s 2013!

    • I just read your comment! Yikes. The only thing more annoying to me than going out and facing the crowds on nye is going out and flitting from crowd to crowd to crowd in search of a crowd to face. This is why I don’t go downtown. I’d have to be super drunk before I even went there. Haha. Sorry you guys had an annoying night but it is kinda funny… In a sadistic type of way. :p Good news- last year is over and this new fresh brand spankin new year is all yours. It will be much better. 🙂 Oh and I’m seeing that a lot of people have seen this polish before w different brands. It was new to me, so I love it!! 🙂 I have exactly zero Zoyas tho so that might be why. :-/

      • Really? I think Zoya is a good brand. I find that most of their colors require three coats, but I also find that their wear is stronger than most.

        • Yeah idk why I don’t have any… I just don’t. I guess I just don’t see them around that much. They occasionally have some at Ulta but not like a big ol display or anything. I’m zoya-less. If I find them somewhere I’ll get some. 🙂

  2. It’s pretty but it reminds me a ton of ’em that came out in 2010 – there was an OPI, a Zoya, another OPI, an Orly and a few others that all had this pinky purple gold foil duochrome kind of look…I burnt out on it and when I see anything like it I just walk away – but for those who did not get over saturated like I did in 2010 with this look – it’s a nice shade.

  3. Oops – lost my years here – it was Zoya summer 2011 – and it was Zoya Faye vs. OPI Rally Pretty Pink vs. Orly Rock The World vs OPI It’s My Year – they all are in this same range – the Zoya is still sold as is Orly one.

    • I do kinda of recall seeing Zoya Faye around but I don’t really remember the others. When you said it was 2010 I was like ok that’s cuz it was pre nail polish obsession but 2011 is right in the thick of things so idk… I must have blocked them from memory. Haha. Luckily for me I don’t have anything like this so it was new and special for me! Thanks for telling me about all those others tho. You are the nail polish archivist. ;p

  4. Aw I’m glad she’s ok! Getting stuff done at the vet can get pricey!
    Oooh this is such a pretty polish…I’ve yet to try Julep polishes.
    Thanks for all the comments yesterday! It was fun reading them all 😀 It was quite a lot lol

    • Oh my goodness yes, the vet can be sooo expensive. I didn’t want to skip something she needed but I also didn’t wanna drop 175 dollars I don’t have for something unnecessary.
      You’ve gotta get in on their next VIP blogger push and give em a try. They’re polishes are really nice. And although it’s small I think they’re bottles are super cute.
      Oh I know… I’m the comment bomber. I wait so long and then blow up your feed with comments. Sorry about that! Haha. You are so good about reading and commenting regularly and then here I am, being a major slacker.

  5. I think I have Daul–or maybe I sold it off. Just like with Cult Nails, I feel that I have really lost my polish boner for Zoya as well. I only got one polish from their Ornate collection, but I am really liking the look of their pastels for spring. I already told you what I did for New Year’s Eve but I’ll share it here because I know that your readers just love my comments–not! Uhm today was already super shitty because of my brother’s appalling behavior so I’m just going to pretend today didn’t happen. I was planning on making him his favorite dinner and a cake, but I cancelled that since he clearly does not appreciate anything that I do for him. Instead, I’m going to walk down the street, find a turd and wrap it in birthday paper and leave it on his pillow.

    • There is nothing worse than doing something really nice for someone who doesn’t appreciate it one bit. There is just no excuse for being ungrateful. I’m sorry he’s like that. You should really have a talk with him and tell him how rude he’s being and how you really WANTED to make a special day out of his birthday but you just couldn’t because you knew he wouldn’t even appreciate it. As you already know, I loved you present idea for him. I read it aloud to my husband and we just laughed out butts off!! It was great. He definitely deserves that. I hope he comes to his senses and starting being a nicer brother to you. If I was a reader of my blog (actually I am, sometimes I just read it like I don’t write it just to see how it comes across. Is that weird?) anyway, I would totally read my blog JUST for your comments. You are hilarious!!

      • OMG. Even though I don’t “know” you, I can completely see you calmly walking down the street in search of the choicest dog turd, wrapping it as prettily as possible, and setting it on his pillow. LOL!

    • Thank you. She actually hasn’t been limping *crosses fjngers* so maybe I jumped the gun a little or maybe the medicine is helping. Either way I’m just glad it wasn’t broken or something like that. I actually don’t have any of those possible dupes so I can’t answer that. I’ve heard that a lot though and also that it’s like Zoya Daul…? If I get those I’ll do a comp post. 🙂


    You know I like Julep. We don’t get it here but they really have such pretty colours! I also like the long, square bottle for some reason. I guess because it’s different. I really like this colour, also very different!

    • Thanks! I love this color actually. I like their bottles too! They are small of course but I dont really care I just like them. 🙂 And yes- aren’t those cases just too cute?? And with a matching nail polish?! Awesome!

  7. Awwww mini! I hope she’s doing ok 😦 When pets act weird or make any sort of whimpering noise I freak out too. I only have a cat right now, but I played faux mommy to my boyfriend’s dog when I had off from work after Christmas (although its more of his parent’s dog now). His parents were on a cruise and he had to work, so I practiced my doggie skills with Charlie (because I am dying to have my own dog). He likes to wear clothes so I thought it would be cute to put on his bumble bee costume from Halloween for when his daddy got home from work. I envisioned him running/buzzing around in the front yard when my bf pulled up. I put it on fine, but then all of a sudden he started walking, then squatting..walking, squatting…and making weird noises. I was like WTF?! OMG I BROKE CHARLIE ON THE LAST FUCKING DAY I’M WATCHING HIM! Now I can never have my own dog! …I tore that bumble bee costume right off and continued to stand frozen staring at him in terror. I forget that he has doggie asthma so that was why he was making weird noises, plus I had given him a treat right as he started making weird noises so I think him eating it combined with the asthma made him kinda choke/cough it up. I dunno…all I know it’s been a few days since and he’s still alive lol.

    • Oh my goodness! This is so mean but your whole “I broke Charlie” freak out made me laugh so hard!! That’s exactly how it is!!! Like they’re probably just having what’s equivalent to a human’s tickle in their throat but since they can’t be like “I’m good, just swallowed wrong” it’s terrifying like they’re gonna die!!! That was Minnie when her leg hurt. Who knows, maybe it wasn’t even her leg and I pulled her hair w my ring or something and then she lifted her leg up and I totally connected the dots and made up a story! Ever since I took her to the vet she hadn’t even limped once. Granted, I have been giving her her medicine each day but it’s nothing THAT strong I don’t think. I’m going to call the vet today and see if I should keep giving her her medicine or if it’s time to stop. They didn’t really tell me anything, looking back, and it’s kind of annoying. Anyway- I think she must be fine and I’m glad Charlie is fine. You could totally have your own dog. You have my stamp of approval! Haha.

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